A Grounding Meditation with Healing Energies - with Video

“Why would I want to be grounded at a time like this?”

For the sake of well being. For awakening. For growing through this. For healing.

Whether you experience anxiety, stress, and panic…or find yourself in a transcendent state, you will want to anchor in your body. Either way, you are here.

So let’s get grounded.

We fight with our body and always want it to be different. We fear our body getting sick, and are afraid of viruses, and aches and pains, and aging, and all sorts of uncomfortable emotions, so why would we want to ground in our body?

I never wanted to be grounded. I mistakenly looked for comfort in the mind: the incessant churning out of stories, beliefs, assessments, judgements, “what if”s, identities, and scenarios.

I wanted relaxation and well being, but I was seeking it from something that could never deliver it.

As a trauma survivor, it felt painful to be in my body. And when I discovered Buddhism and meditation, I began to experience transcendence. Lovely, peaceful transcendence where I couldn’t even feel my body. Eureka!

Well…nope, that’s not quite it either.

We are meant to experience life through this body, otherwise it wouldn’t be so.

When we are grounded and rooted, we can open to our inherent well being. Our mind gets quieter and we relax. We can feel our feelings and let them wash through us, rather than repressing them and creating chronic issues in the body, mind, and spirit. When we are relaxed, our system gets happy, our immune system strengthens, and we can go deeper with our healing journey or spiritual path. We live from a sensing, intuition based place, not from the noise of the mind. Then we can use the mind as a tool when needed.

When we are rooted in our body, we are present. It is an availability to peace, joy, and thriving.

To align mind with body creates harmony. Bringing together this busy mind with this imperfect body, makes it possible to experience life in a unified way.

And a spiritually awake being will want to embody the transcendent true nature they have realized. This is how enlightenment lives through us, by rooting us right here…right now…right where we are. 

We are whole.

Join me as I guide you through a grounding meditation with Reiki and other healing energies. I recommend doing this seated in a chair with your feet on the floor. 

Let me know what your experience is with it!

Sarah Taylor