RSVP here or scroll down.

Healing Energy Transmission from SEDONA

A potent remote healing Transmission to uplift and support you. Sedona is known for its healing energy and vortexes!

Friday 5/17

be open to receive on the day of the Transmission, between
4:30PM - 5:00PM (PDT/MT)

Donations Optional
Suggested: $0 - $20
RSVP to be included.

QR codes for donations HERE.

The Energy Healing Transmission is a nourishing support for awakening, healing, and the unwinding of energetic knots. It includes Reiki and the transmission of awake presence, plus a frequency attunement, and an upliftment of your prayers and intentions.

It is Soul level healing, and opens up flow on your path.

What is the Transmission?
The Transmission is a clearing, healing, nourishing, and amplifying Energy. It is our shared nature; presence and love, radiating wholeness. Some regard it as healing energy, and others, as awake consciousness. It’s both and more. It seems to hold people where they are at. The Transmission facilitates a deeper relaxation into healing, realization, embodiment, and Soul path direction.

How does it work?
~Fill out the RSVP form, and let me know you’d like to be included in the Healing Transmission.

~If you’d like a person to receive the Transmission, please let me know.

What do I do on the day of the Transmission?
~ For the day of the Transmission, set an intention in the morning. It can be as simple as: “May I know more ease and wholeness”, or “May my direction become clear.” If you can set aside a time during the day to meditate, please do. But it’s also fine if you’re working, grocery shopping, jumping on a trampoline. I recommend taking at least a few minutes to sit in quiet stillness and openness at some point during the day of the Transmission.

Is there payment or donation?
~If you wish to donate for the Boost, feel free, but there is no obligation to do so. If you wish to be included, and you contact me, you will be a part of it.

To be included in the Boost, please fill out the form below or email me with the subject line “Remote Healing Transmission Request”.

- Take notice of your body, heart, and mind. Rest, hydrate, move your body. Meditate a little more in the coming days.
- Feel free to reach out to me and share with me what may have come up, or how you felt at the time of the Transmission.

“Thank you so much for sending the prayer (during the Transmission), Sarah! It really worked. I could feel your calming energy as I meditated.” - Mackenzie H.

”My body started to move in a wavey kind of motion and it did that a couple of times. There was a warmth and glow type of feeling afterwards.” - Daniel Y.

“My meditation was deep at the time of the Transmission. I’m kind of amazed, actually. This sense of peace and being supported has continued through today!” - Janet B.

On Zoom:
Meditation with Healing Energy Transmission
~ Waning Moon

Receive a flow of powerful energies to support you on several levels.

6:00 - 7:00PM (PT)
Optional Donation: $0 - $20 USD
RSVP to receive the link to join.
QR codes for donations

The Healing Energy Transmission helps shed layers and reveals your inherent wholeness. It has an Intelligence that lovingly meets with your innate Intelligence. The Transmission offers up what is ripe for you to experience, realize, release, and welcome in. Your experience will be different each time, depending on what your system needs and is ready for.

The healing Transmission is a powerful support for awakening, healing, and flowing into alignment with Life.


-a short talk,
-a meditation that is lightly guided,
-and then we’ll settle into silence with the Transmission.

We’ll be on Zoom, but there’s no need to keep your camera on if you don’t want to. Wherever you are, you can benefit from taking a break and receiving this healing and awakening Transmission. I hope you’ll join!

“That was so amazingly awesome. I'm lit up like a big ball of light right now. You are the real deal, Sarah. At times it’s like lightning...I cried happy tears today.” - D. G.

“Some really cool energetic clearing happened on this end after the (group) session.” - K.H.

“I was stuck in some pretty thick, gooey, dark sh*t and this helped to push it out of me. Nonetheless, I can’t thank you enough.” - D.Y.

“My body vibrated, and my heart center got very hot. I stayed with it, but it was almost overpowering at times…afterward I felt cracked open, like I was seeing through my heart and not my eyes!” - M.G.

Messages & Mojo

An energy attunement with messages from the Guides for the group…and for you.

Wednesday, 4/17
Messages & Mojo
6:30PM - 8:30PM (PT)
QR codes for payment

This is a special gathering, where I channel intuitive messages from The Guides. Each person will receive personal guidance and messages.

These two hours together include:
- a healing energy attunement,
- a short guided meditation,
- with collective messages from The Guides,
- and I'll read each of your energy fields and share my intuitive insights as well as deliver messages from the Guides specifically for each of you.

“The channeled messages that you’ve received for me are so deeply meaningful and profoundly helpful.” - Meg Goodwin, owner of Nutmeg’s Ojai House, a metaphysical shop

“I just wanted to thank you again for yesterday. I felt so different after the Messages & Mojo session - more like my whole authentic self. It was quite surprising!” - Stacey Cross

“These Message & Mojo groups really show how connected we all are.” - Mary M.

“I can't speak highly enough about Messages & Mojo. I've found them to be illuminating, clarifying, and very healing. In fact, some of the guidance I've received has become important parts of my daily practices!”- J.R.

This group is small, so RSVP now.

Donate a little extra and help someone attend an event or get a session.

Awaken, Heal, Align.

If you have benefitted from my work, and want to see others benefit as well, please consider donating.

For $25, someone can attend a Full Moon or New Moon Circle.

For $120, someone can get mentoring support, and for $175 a person can get an Energy Healing Session who might not have the funds at this time. You may also simply donate $5 or $10 as well.

Being self employed, it’s not always easy to give away my services and still keep the lights on!

But donations to this fund help me to offer scholarship spots to those who are a good fit for my work, but need an angels’s support — like yours — to bring the two of us together.

With funds in the AHA Scholarship, I can let folks know that a scholarship spot is open for a group event, or offer a discount to someone who could use a session.

Thank you for your continued support! Let’s light up the world.

To donate:

Zelle: SarahTaylorYes @ gmail . com


Sarah simply has lightning in her; raw palpable power flows through her healing work, and all of it guided by genuine humility, deep love, and clear Awareness. In my short life, I’ve been lucky to meet some extraordinary teachers and healers, and she is top shelf. I couldn’t recommend her highly enough.
— Ishtar Ishaya
Thank you for the event last week. I loved it. You do magic. Your light, energy, force, and love is amazing. So — thank you.
— Jodi H.
You helped me to see, Sarah. You reflected truth at me, and you helped guide me home. I am ever grateful for you.
— Taryn P.
Your presence during our session was unreal. My mind was completely empty and I was fully and completely all in. I went into silence shortly after the session and that’s when it happened, the realization of love. I felt love everywhere and in everything and I realized that I am love and I have always been. A feeling so familiar yet new, as if remembering an old forgotten memory. Your support, care, and love are beyond words. I’m forever grateful.
— Nora B.
It was incredible. I just wanted to let you know how much I responded to it. Right now I’m a bit in awe, scared and happy all at the same time.
— Lola M.
A shift occurred and I feel more grounded…and clarity. There’s a creative energy coming through. Sarah, it’s been awhile since my energy has felt this good – thank you so much!
— Adriana S.
Thank you so much Sarah! Today was so powerful!
— J.D.
All I can say is Sarah is the real deal. She is a talented intuitive healer with an approach that is totally grounded in both the form (body) and formless (spirit).
— Alison B.
I had no idea Sarah’s work was going to have such an impact in my life. I strongly believe God placed her in my life to help guide me in my journey.
— Arleen L.
You are the real deal, Sarah. You evoke things in me that I’ve been waiting to meet forever and didn’t know how. You’re a gift of grace to me. At times it’s like lightening...I cried happy tears today.
— D.G.


Attending a group event with Sarah Taylor, working one on one or remotely with her, or listening to her downloads is not a substitute for licensed medical, psychological, or psychiatric diagnosis and treatment. Please seek help from a healthcare professional if this is needed. You are solely responsible for the information you provide to Sarah and for your interpretation of her guidance and teachings.

I am a member of the Association For Spiritual Integrity, an organization of spiritual teachers and healers dedicated to upholding the highest standards when working with students and clients.