Next Group TBA
10:00AM - 11:15AM (PDT)
Online through Zoom - link below

"I just totally love The Divine Ray sessions! They are shockingly powerful for me.”

“The sessions are very profound for me and I feel very blessed and very grateful for you both. You feel like my sisters.”

Sliding scale donation:
$20 -$35 USD, based on your financial situation

Venmo: @sarahtsaraht 
Zelle: Sarah Taylor Yes @ gmail . com
Pay Pal:

This is a tri-level healing transmission that deeply supports the awakening of mind, opening the heart to infinite love and the recognition of unity, and the vibrance of this truth in the body.

Divine Ray Group Sessions offer nourishment to our whole being so that we can live an awake life. These group sessions help to loosen the knots and filters of conditioning in order to unveil true nature.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


~ “Thank you so much for yesterday. It was a blessing. The two of you are so wonderful together. Such feminine power, softness and strength at the same time.”

~ “Dear Susanne and Sarah – I want to thank you both for the wonderful healing session today. Even better was in the hours after the session, as the fog and clouds continued to clear from over the mind, bringing forth clear seeing… just lovely .“

~ “I just want to share with you how powerful yesterday’s Divine Ray Healing was for me. After the session I felt deeply grounded and FULL (I don’t know how else to explain it….maybe complete?). This continued throughout the night and I awoke to it in the morning. I’m still basking in the afterglow. Thank you.”

~ “Very DEEP meditation. Definitely brought up a lot for me!”

~ “WOW … really powerful, expansive, right from the start… There is deeper movement into the shadow with insights and emotions since, would definitely say a major break though. You and Sarah Taylor seem to have a formidable process, I’ll be back.”

~ “I had been carrying a knot of undigested, unresolved negative energy that I could feel in my heart… This was my condition going into the session. I emerged on the other side of the hour or so event with that stubborn little dark energy ball, that had stayed with me for two and a half months, completely dissolved. I felt vividly aware, invigorated, yet peaceful and completely resolved. I can’t speak for anyone else there, but for me, this was the most powerful and immediate healing manifestation I have ever experienced.”

~ “I really felt a shift from the healing session and a meaningful clearing. Thank you.”

Divine Ray Group Healing Sessions with Susanne and Sarah are an ongoing, online group healing series that supports awakening, healing, and embodiment. They are often monthly, online through Zoom, and have been offered for over a year.

This is a tri-level healing transmission that deeply supports the awakening of mind, opening the heart to infinite love and the recognition of unity, and the vibrance of this truth in the body.

Zoom link:

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Meeting ID: 848 825 517

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Susanne Marie:


Susanne Marie

Featured in conversation with Adyashanti on Buddha at the Gas Pump as well as recently on Conscious TV, Susanne Marie offers teachings in support of freedom and the celebration of our common essence of love and unity with all life.

Susanne, the parent of two young adults, divides her time between Taos, New Mexico, and Northern California, and offers spiritual mentoring, group facilitation, as well as Grace Healing Sessions to individuals and groups.

Susanne Marie’s website

Sarah Taylor:


Sarah Taylor

Sarah has been an energy healing practitioner (Reiki + more) and a Creative Soul Guide for over ten years.

After undergoing a series of profound and radical inner shifts, today she is a catalyst for people to turn inward and realize the radiance of their true nature. As we discover this truth, it illuminates our mind, body, heart, and unique creative expression. Sarah works with modern mystics who are committed to waking up, healing, thriving, and sharing their unique gifts in service to the world.

Sarah is also an award winning actor, and writer/stand-up comedian.

Check out her TEDx talk, her interview on Buddha At The Gas Pump, and to learn more about what she offers here.


  • “The healing we got in the group was filled with light and love and felt uplifting. During the healing I experienced deep heart meetings with a few close friends in the name of forgiveness.”

  • “I just wanted to let you know that after the Divine Ray healing I felt this wonderful sense of expansiveness and of being UNBURDENED! A wonderful feeling giving me the opportunity to see the situations, aspects and dynamics in my life that I was perceiving as burdens. In other words, a deep sense of contentment through acceptance. I'm looking forward to the next healing!”

  • “I just totally love The Divine Ray sessions!  They are shockingly powerful for me.”  

  • ”During the DR session last month, felt as if I were having heart surgery.  Didn't realize this until after you both spoke of what you experienced - (which matched exactly to my experience).  At the moment, just assumed it was my own energy that was contracted there and what its origins were mine alone.  Quite shocking to hear you both report on the same thing!

  • “This last DR session... again, was struck by how much both of your experiences matched my own. What Sarah shared about the white light and the intensification especially toward the end, also matched. 

  • “Thank you so much Susanne and to Sarah too! I feel so incredibly lucky to be with both of you!".

  • “Hi Susanne and Sarah,
    I wanted to share with you feedback from the recent Divine Healing. After a few minutes into the discussion of the Divine topic, I felt a deep relaxation very quickly just from you two talking. I felt an even deeper relaxation during the healing session as I think I fell asleep. This is quite remarkable since I have not fallen asleep during the daytime no matter how hard I try in two years! Then I checked the time as I felt as if the session had been going on for some time and it was only 15 minutes into the healing portion. This session was very, very deep and it was as if it was going on for far longer than the clock was showing. The peace I felt continued strongly into Sunday I was in such a lovely place. Thank you, both, for offering the work that you do.  I don't think a day goes by that I don't think of the two of you.  I hope one day I can be as helpful to others as you both are. Much Love. “