The Closed Doors That Open Us To Our Self

The door is closed to the “Hollywood dream”. And I’m OK. Really.

The door is closed to being a “traditional” spiritual teacher. And that’s Ok. It’s better this way.

The door is closed to being a prodigy. Sorry.

The door is closed to being a married woman. Oops.

The door is closed to being young. (That door is shut tight, no matter how many creams in your cupboard.)

The door is closed to being what others expect of me, project onto me, want of me.

The door is wide open to my being myself.

My own way.

A catastrophic failure at becoming what I thought I should be, I have opened to what I am.


I create and perform and write and sing for me. For the we that I am. And so that we all feel less alone in this human mess.

I teach and support and heal and channel for all of us. So that we become better at remembering our depths and breadths and heights, and we tread more lovingly and respectfully upon this earth.

I am no longer young.

I should know better by this age, but none of us do.

I am wise beyond my years, because I’ve been here a thousand times before.

I am simply me. All of me. I am not the self I thought I was. I have realized the Self that I am.

And I am you.

I contain all of us.

We all do.

Open the door wide and explore and welcome what you find.

This endless gesture will be your timeless talisman.

Sarah Taylor